Despite the changes and discomfort that the body goes through while a woman is pregnant, there seems to be a security in having a 'due date'. I am envious of that 'security' as of lately. It really seems like we're somewhere in between forever and never and it's only been four months since the paperwork was completed. Truly it's been over a year since we started this adventure in adoption.
I have recently taken up a hobby - baking. It's a little different because a good friend of mine has let me borrow her grain mill and I have purchased some grain. It takes a little extra time to get all of the ingredients together - but really, while the grain mills into flour, you can have everything pre-measured and ready to pour and double check to make sure that you don't forget anything important like flax (or yeast!). Since I don't have the fancy mixer that I want - only a hand mixer (that works wonderfully for what I need) I still have to work the dough by hand for a few minutes. After that, you have different options for the rising of the bread. You can rest if for 10 minutes and then bake it, which I haven't tried yet but I can imagine that it would make the bread denser and less enjoyable but still edible. Or you can let it rise up to three times. I usually let it rise once or twice. But it does make a slight difference in the taste in texture if you let it rise a third time. The first rise takes the longest but the subsequent risings take a little less time. Finally, you set the alarm for the bread to bake and *ding* the timer goes off and it's ready.
I truly enjoy making bread. It has made me appreciate being in the kitchen and cooking good food for my family.
Lessons learned from bread making. . .
You really can't force this process to go any faster. A lot goes into it. And I think that it is worth the work. It's way more fun with a joyful spirit.
Lessons learned from adoption adventures thus far . . .
You really can't force this process to go any faster. A lot goes into it. And I think that it is worth the work. It's way more fun with a joyful spirit
I could parallel breadmaking and adoption more. I could also parallel adoption with several other things recently but this is all the typing I want to do.
May the Lord bless you.